NepSoSS would like to extend a sincere thanks to the respected members, well-wishers and all guests who attended the Dashain-Tihar-Chhath celebration event of September 23, 2017. A big thank you to all volunteers who performed on stage, helped in Front Counter collecting money, organizing door prize raffle, 50/50 sweepstake and managed delicious food. Thank you all, over 90 guests for helping to make this event a grand success. 

Please keep exploring the website and facebook for photos of the event.

Lastly, I’ve attached an evaluation form link below. Please share any thoughts you have with the committee anonymously. NepSoSS Executive Committee is interested in hearing about things that went well and places we need to improve in our future events. 

Evaluation Link: here

Please visit  our website for any future updates and information.

Once again, Happy Vijaya Dashami to all of you.